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A & A Jewelry Limited

A & A Typesetting Production Company (排版製作公司)

A & F Technology Company Limited (豐弘科技有限公司)

A & S Technology Limited (科匯科儀有限公司)

A Grade International Chemical Ltd (聯大國際染料助劑有限公司)

A Source Media Computer Limited (多功能系統有限公司)

A & A Audio & Video Center Ltd. (排版製作公司)

A.C.E (Int'l) Co Limited (安恆利(國際)有限公司)

A.Y.N Accessories Trading Ltd.

A-1 Bakery Co (HK) Ltd (英王麵飽香港有限公司)

A1 Institute of Education (A1 教育中心)

AA Cargo Express Company Limited (領先貨運有限公司)

Aarone Engineering Products Co Ltd (藝群實業有限公司)

Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association (香港仔街坊福利會社會服務中心)

Aberdeen Ruby Chinese Restaurant Ltd (香港仔紅寶石大酒樓有限公司)

Abico (HK) International Holding Co Ltd. (能率國際控股有限公司)

Able Concept (Asia) Limited (藝寶概念(亞洲)有限公司)

Acada Chemicals Limited


Accounting Service Taxation (會計稅務)

Ace Mode Development Limited

ACG Joint Venture

Achieve Management Limited (依富商業管理有限公司)

Ackermann Threads (HK) Limited (雅佳敏縫紉線香港有限公司)

ACMDC Ventures Inc

Actiff Knitwear Company Limited (活力毛織廠有限公司)

Action Corrugated Paper Limited (力進紙品有限公司)

Action Performance Companies (HK) Ltd

Actions Technology (H.K.) Co., Ltd (炬力科技(香港)有限公司)

Active Minds Ltd (躍思有限公司)

Active Way Ltd (愛達威有限公司)

Acto Stationery Limited (力圖文具有公司)

Actronics Company Limited (力進電子有限公司)

Add In International Company Limited (龍義國際有限公司)

ADD International Ltd (愛德國際有限公司)

Addko International Limited (浚高國際有限公司)

Adson Group Limited (雅迅集團有限公司)

Advance Industrial Company (毅華實業有公司)

Advance Motor Supplies Co Ltd (先進汽車用品有限公司)

Advanced Concept Technology Limited (聊城昌織造有限公司)

AES-Adliger Exhibition Service Ltd (典雅展覽有限公司)

Against Child Abuse (Macau) Association (澳門防止虐待兒童會)

Agape Methodist Church (循道衛理聯合教會神愛堂)

Agnes B (Hong Kong) Limited

Ah Chau Plastic & Mould Manufactory Ltd (亞洲塑膠公模製品有限公司)

Aileen Industrial Company Limited

Airshow International Limited (航展國際有限公司)

AIWA (深圳愛華電腦城華宇通展銷部)

Akin Property Consultancy Limited (安建行物業顧問有限公司)

Ako International Holding Ltd.

AL Design & Associates Limited (利駿設計規劃有限公司)

Alan Photo Engraving Company (雅倫電版蝕刻公司)

Alanda Enterprise Company Ltd (雅能達企業有限公司)

Albert Hung & Co

Alexandraz.com (Hong Kong) Limited

Alfred International Limited

Alhambra Watch Group (平安表行有限公司)

Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院)

All Saints' Church (聖公會諸聖堂)

Allen Industries Limited (雅麟磁信有限公司)

Allied Talent Holdings Ltd (卓群集團有限公司)

All-In-One Computer Company Limited (多合一電腦有限公司)

Allion Printing Company Limited (雅聯印刷有限公司)

Almost Famous London

Alpha Electronic Company (雅發電子有限公司)

Alpina Agencies Co Ltd (雅風貿易有限公司)

A-Mart Company

Amazing World Limited (睛彩世界有限公司)

Ambre Asia Ltd

Amec Construction South East Asia Ltd (艾銘建築有限公司)

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Amelia's Shop Limited (美意屋有限公司)

America Advertising Limited (美國廣告有限公司)

American Canyon Ltd (美商崑崙有限公司)

American Landerland Holdings Ltd. (美國洗衣樂園集團有限公司)

American Oriental Bioengineering (HK)Ltd (美國東方生物技術(香港)有限公司)

Amersun (Hong Kong) Ltd (艾美榮﹝香港﹞有限公司)

Amigo Collections Ltd (愛美高時裝有限公司)

AMSOC Joint Venture (毅崇聯營公司)

Amtrac Furnishings International Ltd. (卓藝國際傢俬有限公司)

An Xin (HK) Engineering Consultants Ltd (安信﹝香港﹞有限公司)

Anais Limited

Anchor Trading Company (展帆貿易公司)

Andy Leung & Co. Secretarial & A/C Offic (安迪會計事務所)

Andy Siu Design Limited (蕭一鳴設計有限公司)

Anex Electrical Co Ltd (安歷士電業有限公司)

Angle International Limited (思時國際有限公司)

Anka Consultants Ltd (安佳顧問有限公司)

Anna Development Limited (安娜發展有限公司)

Anstar Consultants Limited (安陞顧問有限公司)

Anthony Chao Co. Ltd. (朝安東尼)

AOM-Sun Limited (星晨集團有限公司)

A-One Pong Construction Equipment Ltd (新一邦建設機械有限公司)

Apac Scm Limited (泛亞工商採購有限公司)

APEC (China) Development Limited (仁信中國發展有限公司)

Apollo Wire & Cable (HK) Co Ltd (阿波羅電線電纜(香港)有限公司)

Apollo(Macao Commerical offshore) Co Ltd (阿波羅(澳門離岸商業服務)有限公司)

Apparel Concepts Pte Limited

Apparel Trading Company Limited (雅富貿易有限公司)

Aqua World H.K. Co., Ltd. (水族世界香港有限公司)

Ar Leader Printed Circuit Boards Ltd (雅利達電路板(珠海)有限公司)

Architectural Acoustics (HK) Limited

Arcon Electronics Limited (恒昌電子(中國)有限公司)

Argos Bus Services (Group) Co Ltd (雅高巴士服務有限公司)

Aroma Natural Skin-Care Ltd (天麗護膚產品有限公司)

ARRK (Macao) Limited (亞克(澳門)有限公司)

Art Beatus Limited (精藝軒有限公司)

Art Express Beauty & Health Trading Ltd (藝展美健用品有限公司)

Art Garment Wholesale (金輝時裝批發)

Artco Florist & Giffs Company (藝高鮮花禮品公司)

Arte Hong Kong Limited

Artistic Jewellery Ltd (藝達珠寶有限公司)

Artland Garment Factory (藝林製衣廠)

Artrain Industrial Ltd (雅趣製品有限公司)

Artrain Industrial Ltd (雅趣製品有限公司)

Arts & Literature Books (HK) Co Ltd (藝文圖書(香港)有限公司)

Arts and Sales (Hong Kong) Ltd (雅詩展覽工程有限公司)

Arts Enterprise Ltd (雅仕企業有限公司)

Arts Production Company (顯藝制品)

Artway Products Co (雅匯實業)

Ascolite Hong Kong Company

Ascom Hong Kong Limited

Ascot Chang Co Ltd (新星有限公司)

Asetronics Asia Pacific Limited (高瑞亞太有限公司)

Asia Centre Int'l Limited (巨城國際有限公司)

Asia Computer Consultants Limited (亞洲電腦顧問有限公司)

Asia Development (1950) Limited (拔亞發展(1950)有限公司)

Asia Hobby House (亞洲綜合店)

Asia Link (雅點服飾有限公司)

Asia Mail Shoppers International Ltd (東成集團有限公司)

Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore)

Asia Steel (Hong Kong) Limited (亞洲鋼鐵(香港)有限公司)

Asia Steel (Hong Kong) Ltd (亞洲鋼鐵(香港)有限公司)

Asia Style Promotion Ltd

Asian Holding Group Limited (亞州集團控股有限公司)

Asian Manufacturers Journal (亞洲廠商雜誌)

Associated Consultants Ltd

Assurebio-Sciences Company Limited (生化環保顧問工程有限公司)

A-Tech M & E Engineering Limited (旭達機電工程有限公司)

ATECK Corporation (H.K.) Limited

Atelier Accessories Limited

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Atelier Investment Limited (雅地利投資有限公司)

Atelier V

Atlanta (Hong Kong) Co., Limited (亞南特(香港)有限公司)

Atom Limited (慕達有限公司)

Atoz CompuNet Ltd (安託電腦網絡系統有限公司)

Au & Chan's Company (偉標行)

Au Hua Electronics Company Limited (廣州澳星電子有限公司)

Au Ting Wing (區庭榮)

Audio-Technica (Greater China) Limited (德訊鐵三角(大中華)有限公司)

Aussie Kitchens Limited (澳洲廚櫃有限公司)

Austa Beauty Company Limited (奧華美容有限公司)

Australian Society of CPAs

Autopower Specialize Shop Ltd (車站)

Auto-Tech Industrial Limited

AV Tec Company Limited (普訊科技有限公司)